The festival season is heating up. Worse Than Poop! is an official selection at eight film festivals, on every continent except Australia/Oceania, and is under consideration by several more. The next screening will be in New Delhi, at the CMS Vatavaran Environmental Festival - and Elliot and I are going to be there!
Last night I participated in a televised group interview with Jasmina Bojic of the United Nations Association Film Festival and three other participating filmmakers. (My segment on the show starts about 18 minutes in.)
UNA Forum, hosted by Jasmina Bojic, Film Critic/UNAFF Festival Director (seated at right) with (l to r): ADAM SCHELLENBERG/Far From Home ABBY GINZBERG/Soft Vengeance, CHRISTOPHER BEAVER/Racing to Zero, VANESSA WARHEIT/Worse Than Poop!
Worse Than Poop! will be screening on closing night of the 2015 UNAFF, October 25, and I will be participating in a panel discussion afterwards on climate change. Elliot will also be there to answer questions.
Also scheduled for October is a screening at Planet in Focus in Toronto. So I made up some movie posters! This is what they look like: