Rouen: Le TEOR (Bus Rapid Transit)

Way back in the early 1980's, I spent a year living with a family in Rouen, France. They taught me French, and how to drink wine mixed with water, and a thousand other things for which I will always remain deeply grateful. On this trip we made a point to visit my host family, and I got to introduce them to Elliot.

Since the last time I was in Rouen, a few things have changed. For one - they cleaned the cathedral. (It use to be black.)

Rouen Cathedral - so spanky clean I hardly recognized it!

Rouen Cathedral - so spanky clean I hardly recognized it!

They also installed a metro, and a Bus Rapid Transit system called Le TEOR. We didn't get to ride the metro (Elliot was very disappointed), but we did get to ride the TEOR. 

Waiting for le TEOR in Rouen with my host family

Waiting for le TEOR in Rouen with my host family

Raised platforms means fast level boarding, even for my host mom (in her 70s, with a bad knee).

Raised platforms means fast level boarding, even for my host mom (in her 70s, with a bad knee).

On board Le TEOR in Rouen

On board Le TEOR in Rouen

Le TEOR was awesome. Elliot totally approved.

Elliot gives Rouen's TEOR Bus Rapid Transit the thumbs-up.

Elliot gives Rouen's TEOR Bus Rapid Transit the thumbs-up.

One thing I found interesting: the Rouen metropolitan area has a population density (940 people per square km) which is slightly lower than Palo Alto's. 

Le TEOR in downtown Rouen

Le TEOR in downtown Rouen