Today was the SF Bay Area Bike to Work Day. Elliot and I got up an hour early, to greet people at the CalTrain station.
Kathy Durham, Palo Alto's Safe Routes to School/Commute coordinator, gives Elliot goodie bags to hand out.
We made a giant poster and handed out flyers - along with free bagels, coffee, and goodie bags. Elliot even dressed up in his professor costume. Crowd funding has made us shameless.
Vanessa and Elliot, in between waves of cycle commuters.
Sven Thesen at 7am, waiting for commuters and chanting "Worse Than Poop!"
Towards 8am, more people started arriving - including the Mayor and the City Manager.
Elliot & Vanessa with team Bike Palo Alto - including Kathy Durham, Mayor Nancy Shepherd, Chief Transportation Official Jaime Rodriguez, and City Manager Jim Keene.
One cyclist, when he heard about Worse Than Poop!, asked Elliot to sign his flyer.
The lucky recipient of Elliot's very first autograph.